Alterhuman Information
Alterhumanity is the state of identifying as something nonhuman, human plus something else or having an atypical relation to "normative" humanity in some way while still remaining human. This covers otherkin, otherheartedness, otherlinkers, systems, flickers, vampires and much more. Anyone who feels they fit the label is included.Normative human identity is defined in the coining post of the term (Phasmovore, Tumblr, 2014). The label is broad and includes many subcultures and identities of varying levels of relation to humanity and/or identification with humanity.This carrd is meant to be an informational resource for people who want to learn about alterhumanity and all the different subsections of it, as well as information for alterhumans themselves who want to learn more.Carrd by the Interstellar System. You can find us on tumblr at @Interstellarsystem.

The Alt-key, a symbol for alterhumanity, proposed by Allium House in 2019.

An Alterhuman flag, by gh0stspxce on Tumblr, made in 2021.
Other Resources:
Alt+H - Alterhuman advocacy group with resources and more.
Alterhuman Archive - An archive of alterhuman writing from all subsections of the community.
Beyond Humanity - Alterhuman FAQs and terminology lists!
More Than One - A simple resource site for plurality information.
Otherkin Wiki - Otherkin-specific wiki with included sections on other identities.Helpful Individual Sites:
The Chimeras Library - The website of the House of Chimeras, with many essays and lectures on alterhumanity and subjects within it.
Invisibleotherkin - The website of the Sol System with many essays on alterhumanity and the subjects within it.Communities:
Nonhuman National Park - A forum centering on nonhumans, though inclusive of other types of alterhumanity.
Othercon - A virtual otherkin and more broadly alterhuman convention held annually.
r/alterhuman - A reddit community for alterhumans.
(12/04/24: Edited main page to be more clearly defined, added flag and symbol links, edited resource links to include descriptions, revised FAQs and terms lists with added resources and corrections + easier readability with formatting.)
(Site is a WIP, contact us for suggestions.)
Terminology List
── General Alterhuman ───────────────────────────────────────────Alterbeing:
A less human-centric version of alterhuman.Alterhuman:
Having an identity that is not strictly human, doesn’t fit the normative human identity or a person that identifies as such.Alternormal:
Describing an event or phenomena that is normal for Alterhumans but not necessarily exclusive to them, e.g. shifting.AU:
Alternate universe.Awakening:
The time in which an Alterhuman person discovers their identity. You may have multiple awakenings, though some prefer to only use this term to refer to their initial discovery.Canon:
The time or place a fictional character or species originated from. This could be a movie, TV show, book, etc. Used in this context to describe the memories that may or may not come with ones fictional identity, e.g. "In my canon.."Double:
A person with the same identity as you, usually referring to fictional identities.Species Dysphoria:
A state of great unease or dissatisfaction with one's physical species.Species Euphoria:
A feeling of rightness/pleasure/happiness that one is able to be addressed as/represent/be seen as their species.Exotrauma:
A catch-all for traumatic experiences that did not occur in this universe/life.Future life:
A life you believe you will have in the future.Noema:
Noemata (plural).
Inherent knowledge you have about your -type. Includes memories, feelings and general knowledge you may have.Nonhuman:
Having an identity that is not fully human in some way.Ontopunk: Source 2
An aesthetic and ideology focused on embracing different identities and ways of having them, along with the rejection of anthropocentrism.Parallel life:
A life you are currently living in an alternate universe, dimension, etc at the same time as this one.Past life:
A life you have had in the past.
── Shifting ─────────────────────────────────────────────Shift:
A phenomenon in which an alterhumans perception shifts to be more like that of their identity. This is mainly used as an umbrella term for the below shift-types.Astral Shift:
A shift in which one travels to the astral plane and experiences having the body of their identity.Aural Shift:
A shift in which one's auric field changes to match that of their identity. Many believe that your alterhumanity is always in your aura, therefore it always expresses your identity.Berserker Shift:
A type of Mental shift in which one completely becomes their identity, often to the point of being unable to comprehend human speech.Bi-Location Shift:
A shift in which someone experiences being in another place, possibly another time, as their identity.Cameo Shift:
A shift that is not of an alterhumans identity.Dream Shift:
The state of being the entity you identify as in a dream.Mental Shift:
A shift in which one's mental state changes to become more like their identity. This can include becoming more instinctual, or it can include taking on the mentality of a fictotype.Phantom Shift:
A shift in which one can feel supernumerary phantom limbs.Supernumerary Phantom Limbs:
Phantom limbs, sometimes astral limbs.
Body parts that are perceived by the brain but do not physically exist.Physical Shift:
A shift in which ones physical body changes to be more like that of their identity. This is widely believed to be impossible. No claims of this ability have been proven.Sensory Shift:
A shift in which ones senses seemingly change to be closer to that of their alterhuman identity. This can include enhanced or dulled senses.Voluntary Shift:
A shift that is induced voluntarily.Involuntary Shift:
A shift that happens spontaneously, or due to unintentional internal or external stimuli.Nonshifting:
A person with an alterhuman identity who does not experience shifts under any condition.Shifter's Disease:
A phenomenon where individuals investigating the alterhuman community may experience shifts or interperet their human experiences as such, resulting in temporary identification as alterhuman.
── Otherkin ────────────────────────────────────────────────
An otherkin that identifies as a whole clade or section of entities as opposed to a single speces. E.g. a cladokin might identify as all dragons as opposed to just western variety dragons.Cladotherian:
A therian that identifies as a whole clade of animal as opposed to a species. E.g. a cladotherian might be felinekin, including big cats, house cats etc.Conceptkin:
A person who identifies on an integral level as a concept, such as songs or emotions.Conkin:
Contherian for therians.
A kind of nonshifting otherkin that is constantly shifted, with no variation.Draconic:
To describe people who identify as Dragons. Most of this old community has merged with the Otherkin community.Factkin:
An identity in which one identifies on an integral level as a living or dead real person.Fictionkin:
Fictionkinity. Formerly Otakukin.
A person who identifies on an integral level as an entity from fiction. This includes a species, e.g. a Night Fury, or a specific character, e.g. Sonic the Hedgehog.Fictotype:
The fictional being(s) that a Fictionkin identifies as.Gear:
Therian gear, Kin Gear.
Items of clothing, accessories, jewellery or something else that is worn to feel closer to their identity or to relieve dysphoria.Greymuzzle:
A term describing an older member of the furry, otherkin, therian or generally alterhuman communities.Howl:
A term used to describe a gathering of therians. This term is used by non-wolves as well, while some groups may decide to use a different noise term, e.g. a hiss, a growl etc.Kin:
Shortened form of Otherkin, often used as an umbrella term for the Otherkin, Therian and Fictionkin communities. Also used as a suffix to explain one's kintype, e.g. "I am dogkin", meaning that you identify as a dog.
Please note: This is not a verb. You do not 'kin' something.Kintype:
The entity(ies) that an otherkin identifies as. Also used as an umbrella term for theriotype, kintype and fictotype.Mythkin:
A person who identifies on an integral level as a nonhuman creature not of this world or commonly seen as myths, e.g. Dragons, Fae or Elves. This term is often synonymous with Otherkin.Nonkin:
Someone who is not Otherkin.Objectkin:
A person who identifies on an integral level as an inanimate object of some sort.Otherkin:
Otherkinity, Otherkind.
A person who identifies on an integral level as a nonhuman creature, e.g. dragons, fae or elves. Also used as an umbrella term to describe otherkin themselves, fictionkin and therians. Some choose to use it just as an umbrella term.Paleotherian:
A person who identifies on an integral level as an extinct creature.Phytan:
Phytanthrope, Phytanthropy, Plantkin.
A person who identifies on an integral level as a plant.Polykin:
Polytherian for therians.
A person that has multiple kintypes/theriotypes.Therian:
Therianthrope, Therianthropy. Formerly Were.
A person who identifies on an integral level as an animal, e.g. a fox, wolf, fish or insect. Therianthropes used to be referred to as Weres, derived from werewolf from the communitys origins on Alt.Horror.Werewolves. Some still use this term to express their identity.Theriomythic:
A person who identifies on an integral level as a mythical creature e.g. a dragon, but a wild, instinctual or unadvanced one. This identity falls between Therian and Otherkin.Theriotype:
Formerly Phenotype or Wereside. Also Therioside.
The animal(s) that a Therian identifies as. E.g. you identify as a wolf, so your theriotype is a wolf.Vacillant:
Alternatively Suntherian.
A kind of otherkin who constantly experiences their nonhuman side and does not experience shifts. They can, however, experience changes similar to shifts on a sliding scale.
── Plurality ────────────────────────────────────────────Age-Slider:
A system members whos age jumps or slides.Alter:
Akin to headmate, more commonly used in disordered or traumagenic systems.Body:
The human body used to interact with the outside.Caretaker:
Used to describe a headmate that has the role of caring for the system. Usually refers to caring primarily for littles, but not always.Co-Conscious:
The state of two or more system members being conscious at a time.Cofront:
Used to refer to two or more system members being in the front at a time.Comforter:
Used to describe a headmate that has the role of comforting the body, system, host, core or other specific headmates or groups of headmates. They can help by aiding emotionally or physically.Core: (Link is very medical, alternative link: x)
Also known as the original, the core is considered by some to be the part first born to the body.Rapid Switching:
Also cycling.
When the fronter is rapidly and repeatedly switched out for another headmate.DID/OSDD:
Formerly MPD. Combination term of Dissociative Identity Disorder and Otherwise Specified Dissociative Disorder
Dissociative disorders that cause a system.Dissociation:
Mentally detaching from ones surroundings, self, thoughts, feelings or other things around you. Not a system-only experience, but common in disordered systems and nondisordered systems alike.Dormant:
The state of a headmate being unconscious or dormant. This varies from short-term like 'sleep' to long-term. Some system members go dormant when they are not in the front, while other times dormancy is deliberate or caused by something else.Endogenic:
Endo (usually used in a derogatory way). Formerly Natural System
A system not formed by trauma. This may be through soulbonding, tulpamancy, being born plural, neurodivergency, or other means. Endogenic systems can still be disordered as well as have trauma, as endogenic only refers to the origin of the system and nothing else.Extranthrope:
A nonhuman member in a system.Factive:
A headmate derived from an existing person. In traumagenic systems, may be someone who helped them through the trauma or the person/people who caused it.Fcktive:
A mix between a fictive and a factive.Fictive:
Fictional Introject.
A headmate from a fictional source.Fragment:
A fragment is a headmate that is not fully differentiated or developed. Fragments may exist to carry out a single function or to represent a single idea.Front:
The Front, Outerworld, Out.
The mental space from where a headmate controls the body. Also used to describe the space outside of the mind, in contrast to headspace.Fronting:
The action of being in the front, or in control of the body.Gatekeeper:
A gatekeeper is a headmate who controls switching, access to certain areas inside, or access to certain headmates or memories.Gateway System:
A system with members who can come and go from other worlds, dimensions, etc.Headmate:
An umbrella term used for many kinds of system members.Headspace:
Also Innerworld, Mindscape, Wonderland.
A shared mental space where system members reside while not in the front. Not all systems have a headspace.Host:
A being within a system who inhabits the front most of the time. Systems can have no hosts, or multiple hosts as well.Imposition:
Hallucinating the presence of a system member in the outside. Can range from feeling to seeing to hearing them and is usually intentionally done.Integration:
Used to describe two or more system members combining to form one. Complete integration was once the main goal of 'curing' multiplicity, but has come under scrutiny due to its nature of not being permanent or not working at all as well as moral stances on the act. Many equate Integration to death when nonconsensual, and many still aim to achieve this.Introject:
Introjects are headmates who are based off of an outside person or figure.Kinform:
A kintype that became a headmate.Little:
A system member, usually under the age of 10.Losing Time:
Refers to a system member being unable to remember what occurs while another system member fronts, usually in reference to dissociative amnesia.Median:
Formerly Midcontinuum.
Describes any experience between singlet and multiple.Memory Holder:
Memory holders are headmates who hold memories separately from others within the system.Mixed Origin:
A system who was formed from a mix between multiple origins.Multiple System:
Multiplicity, Multiple.
Describes multiple people within a body.Original:
The original inhabitant of a body before it became plural. Some systems do not have an original.Paracosm:
Similar to a headspace, a highly detailed inner-world within one's mind.Partner Systems:
Two (or more) systems who are very close. Usually used in romantic context, but can use any definition of partner, including platonic.Persecutor:
Headmates who purposefully harm the body, system, headmates, sabotage the system’s goals and/or healing, or work to assist the system’s abuser(s, if applicable). Persecutors are stigmatised headmates but are not inherently evil and do not inherently fit into the "evil alter" stereotype.Plural(ity):
An umbrella term to describe both median and multiples experiences. Also used to be synonymous with "system".Polyfragmented:
A system with many splits and/or fragments, usually 100+ though personal definitions vary.Possession:
Shared control of the body. The previous fronter remains connected to the body's senses, but the new one takes a control of a part or of the whole body. Exact definitions vary.Protector:
Headmates who protect the body, system, host, specific headmates or groups of headmates.Quoigenic:
A system that either doesn't know their origin, doesn't want to disclose their origin, is unsure of their origin, is a mix of traumagenic and endogenic or a system who doesn't want to label their origin. Usually a rejection of the traumagenic/endogenic dichotomy.Singlet:
Used to describe one person inhabiting a body/the lack of a system.Splitting/Split:
The process by which a system member or singlet splits into two or more. This is usually caused by trauma or stress, though not always.Subsystem:
A system within a system.Switching:
The act of one system member replacing another in the front.System:
Multiple people within a body, can describe anywhere from median to multiple experiences. Can be used as a synonym for plural.System Hopping:
The act of a headmate moving from one system to another. Usually spiritual in practice but not always.Traumagenic:
A system formed by trauma, usually (but not always) a disordered system; such as one with DID, OSDD or another dissociative disorder.Walk-In:
An entity arriving in a body after birth at some point, usually with memories of living another life. They can join the body as a headmate or can replace the previous occupants entirely, resulting in a singlet walk-in.
── Thoughtforms ───────────────────────────────────────────Daemian:, X
A person in possession of a daemon. Daemians are not inherently alterhuman but there is an overlap.Daemon:, X
A thoughtform which serves as a separation/the other half of ones mental dialogue.Dissipation:
The process of making a thoughtform less conscious over time and fading into nothing. Considered by many to be akin to death and therefore murder if done deliberately and nonconsentually.Forcing:
The act of focusing on and developing a tulpa’s presence or strength by devoting specific attention to them, or otherwise interacting with them.Imaginary Friend:
Mental beings with little or no sentience or autonomy, commonly created by children. A type of thoughtform which may accidentally become a tulpa.NPC:
A non-sentient entity within ones mindscape usually created to fulfil a simple task within the headspace, such as running a hotdog stand. These are usually to make the mindscape more lifelike.Servitor:
A thoughtform that is non-sentient, often created to perform a specific task within the front, such as washing the dishes.Thoughtform:
A term used to describe any manually created headmate, including tulpas, daemons and non-sentient or sentient entities.Tulpa:
A deliberately created headmate made through forcing over a long period of time.Tulpamancer:
A person who has created one or more headmates deliberately.Tulpa System:
A system made up of tulpas.
── Soulbonding ───────────────────────────────────────────Day-Tripper:
Soulbonds that can come and leave this world as they please. They can hop from this world back to theirs and back to here, or even go somewhere else.Permanent Resident:
Soulbonds that have ended up in this world and can’t leave, or choose to stay here.Soulbond:, X
SB, Bond.
Used in a plurality context to describe an external entity in which someone has a mental connection.Soulbonder:
A person who is connected to one or more soulbonds.Reverse Soulbonding:, X
Soulbonding, but instead of a person coming here, you go to their world. Usually experienced as a dream or something dreamlike.Telephone Bond: Soulbonds that can’t travel through worlds. They stay in their world, you stay in yours, and you can communicate with them through telepathy or other means.
── Furries ─────────────────────────────────────────────Furry:
Furries, Furry Fandom
A subculture based around enjoying anthropomorphic (humanoid) animals. Furries are not alterhuman, but some may consider themselves as Alterhuman if they identify as their fursona more than their human body. Includes subsections such as scalies, avians etc.Fursona:
An anthropomorphic animal character that is usually used to represent it's creator. Some furries identify more with said fursona than their human body which makes some consider themselves as Alterhuman.Postfurry:
A mixture of the furry fandom and the ideologies of transhumanism and posthumanism, with aesthetics of cyber and biopunk, among other factors.
── Heartedness ─────────────────────────────────────Hearthome:
A specific location or type of location that a person has a strong emotional connection towards, considering it their 'home', despite not having been raised there.Fictionhearted:
Someone who identifies with or has a strong empathetic connection to a fictional entity. The fiction-centric version of otherhearted.Hearttype:
The entity someone that is Otherhearted identifies with.Otherhearted:
Otherkith, Kith.
A person who identifies with or has a strong empathetic connection to an entity. Commonly described as a family like familiarity or a feeling of "should have been [entity]", though also refers to other strong feelings.Synpath:
An entity which someone has a strong empathetic connection to or identifies with. Alternative term to otherhearted that varies as to what the difference is.Theriohearted:
Someone who identifies with or has a strong empathetic connection to an animal. The animal-centric version of otherhearted.
── Linking ───────────────────────────────────────────────Aeslink:
An otherlinker who links an identity for aesthetic purposes.Copinglink:, X
C'link, Link.
A usually voluntary identity as an entity fictional, animal or mythical. This identity may be accidental, but requires a conscious effort to attain. This identity is taken on as a way to cope with trauma, everyday life, etc.Funlink:
An otherlinker who links something for fun.Linktype:
The entity an otherlinker or copinglinker identifies as.Otherlink:
A voluntary identity as an entity fictional, animal or mythical. This identity may be accidental, but requires a conscious effort to attain. Coined to include those who take on voluntary identities for reasons other than coping.Supportlink:
An otherlinker who links an identity for emotionally supportive reasons, such as identifying as a particular character they want to gain the attributes of.
── Vampirism ─────────────────────────────────────────────Autovampirism:
The act of feeding on ones self as a vampire.Donor:
A human or alterhuman that consensually feeds Vampires with either energy or blood.Emotional Vampire:
A vampire that feeds on emotions.Feeding:
The act of feeding on blood or energies, done by vampires.Hybrid Vampires:
A vampire that needs to feed on both blood and energy or is able to do both.Psi Vampire:
Energy Vampires.
Feeds on metaphysical energies of some sort, usually with some sort of emotional connection. All feeding is done consensually and as safely as possible.Sanguinarian:
Blood Vampire.
Feels the need to consume blood to contain health. All feeding is done consensually and as safely as possible.Vampire:
An individual who feels the need for blood and/or metaphysical energies in order to maintain proper health and function.
── Other ───────────────────────────────────────────────Cameotype:
A character, animal, or mythical being that is not a kintype, but in some way is important and apart of your identity in some way.Clinical Lycanthropy:
A mental illness in which one believes they can transform into or physically are a nonhuman entity. These are still considered alterhuman as alterhumanity is not defined by being neurotypical.Flicker:
Fictionflicker, Otherflicker.
An identity which is temporarily taken on, usually after consuming media which the identity stems from. This usually ends shortly after related media has stopped being consumed.Godshard:
A person who considers themselves to be a smaller, independent part of a still-extant god.Medusan:
An orientation for alterhuman people who are sexually and/or romantically attracted to other alterhumans or nonhumans. This can mean monsters, aliens, etc.Polymorph:
A specific kind of shapeshifting creature, defined by lack of a 'true' form other than shapeless energy and the habit of subconsciously mimicking the traits of others.Starseed:
Individuals who believe they originated from other worlds, dimensions, or planets and is currently living as a human. Many Starseed claim they're on a mission to save humanity, though explanations vary.Transhumanism:
An ideology centred around transforming humanity with technology. Transhumanists are not inherently alterhuman, but some people consider themselves alterhuman because of the way this ideology shapes their perception of humanity.Transspecies:
A label to denote that an individual has or plans to modify their body to more so reflect their identity, usually in order to alleviate dysphoria.Voidpunk:
Voidpunk is a subculture for those who often feel rejected or disconnected from humanity, such as asexual or aromantic people, neurodivergent people, nonbinary people, and others often rejected as "subhuman" by society.Xenogender:
A gender that cannot be contained by human understandings of gender, usually relating to animals, plants etc. Often used by nonhumans to describe their experiences of gender.
── Negative Terms/Controversy ────────────────────────────────Alterhumisia:
The hatred of or discrimination against those who have an alternate relationship to humanity.Anti-Endo:
A person who is against endogenic systems, does not believe they exist, or believes they are causing harm in some way.Antikin:
Used to describe someone who trolls or is against the therian/otherkin communities.Fluff:
Someone who is suspicious or 'fluffy', usually used in otherkin communities. A 'fluffy' person is commonly a person who makes extraordinary claims such as physical shifting. This term is falling out of use.Nonhumisia:
The hatred of or disctimination against those who are nonhuman.Sysmedicalist:
Also sysmed.
Someone who medicalises all plural experiences. Usually believes that only disordered systems are actual systems, or that all nondisordered systems are actually disordered or fake.System Gatekeeper:
Someone who gatekeeps what defines a system. Commonly an anti-endo or a sysmedicalist.Tumblrkin:
A term with multiple meanings over time. One older definition is: Otherkin who are misinformed/"fluffy"/etc, commonly associated with the tumblr community being "nonserious". Some use it to refer to any otherkin from tumblr, and some in recent years use it to refer to otherkin from tumblr who are "too serious" about their identity as nonhuman.
Frequently asked questions about alterhumanity. Other sections of the FAQ can be accessed by pressing the buttons.
What is alterhumanity?
As stated on the homepage, alterhumanity is the state of identifying as something not "normally" considered human in some way, including being "abnormally" human. This covers otherkin, otherheartedness, otherlinkers, systems, flickers, vampires and much more. Anyone who feels they fit the label is included--nonhuman, 100% human, a mix of both, or even outside of the binary of human/nonhuman.As mentioned, there are many subsections of alterhumanity and not everyone's experiences with it will be the same. Because alterhumanity is such a broad category, asking an alterhuman about their experiences, if they're willing to share, is usually the best way to go about learning.What's it like to be alterhuman?
Because alterhumanity is such a broad subject, it's hard to answer a question like this. Generally, alterhumans of all kinds live life just like most non-alterhumans do--go to work/school, hang out with family and friends, etc. We're all in a human society and regardless of whether some of us are human or not, we're not all that different. If you'd like a more in-depth answer, try asking an alterhuman individual about their experiences with their personal alterhumanity.Can I be alterhuman?
There's a few ways you can voluntarily become alterhuman. You can otherlink a being such as an animal or fictional character to become an otherlinker, or you can make a system through soulbonding or tulpas.It's recommended that you learn a lot about what you want to become before you decide to try and be alterhuman in any way--some things (such as tulpas) are life-long commitments that you'll need to live with, while others (such as otherlinking) can be temporary but still affect you.Are all alterhumans nonhuman?
Not all alterhumans identify as nonhuman. Some may identify as part-human, while others could identify as human plus something else, or they could just plainly identify as human. You definitely don't need to be nonhuman in order to fall under this umbrella. Alterhumanity is about your relation to the "norm" of humanity, not being nonhuman.Is alterhumanity LGBT+?
Sometimes it's related, mainly in the case of xenogenders and medusans, though it isn't inherently LGBT+ and those things also aren't inherently alterhuman. A persons sexuality and gender identity can definitely be impacted by their alterhumanity, though alterhumanity in and of itself isn't LGBT+ by default unless an individual defines it as such.What's a shift?
Shifting is the experience of becoming closer to your alterhuman identity (kintype, hearttype, linktype etc) in some way. There's a lot of types of shifting, including phantom, mental and dream shifts, which are further explained in the terminology section of the carrd. Shifts can happen involuntarily due to triggers, or can happen voluntarily. Not every alterhuman experiences shifts, and they're by no means required to be alterhuman.
Otherkin FAQ
What is otherkin?
Otherkin is the state of identifying as something nonhuman, whether it be an animal, mythological creature, or fictional character. This identity is involuntary, or sometimes quoiluntary (a term used to describe not being voluntary or involuntary, something inbetween, or a rejection of the dichotomy). The entity an otherkin identifies as is called a kintype.Why are people otherkin?
There's a lot of reasons for this, ranging from spiritual to psychological, with some other explanations as well. Some of the more common explanations include:
- Past lives/reincarnation
- Imprinting
- Parallel lives
- Neurodiversity, including psychosis or a response to feelings generated by being neurodiverse and feeling "othered" by humans
- Misplaced souls
- Singlet walk-ins
- TraumaExplanations for otherkinity aren't limited to these. If someone is otherkin, they won't always have a reason why--sometimes they'll have multiple reasons, sometimes they won't know. It's all a part of self discovery and very personalised.Can I become otherkin?
Not voluntarily, though you can definitely otherlink something (see otherlinking section of the FAQ).What's the difference between otherkin, fictionkin and therian?
A therian identifies as an animal (dog, cat, bird, etc), an otherkin identifies as nonhuman in any way (though usually referring to mythical creatures), and a fictionkin identifies as a fictional being. Otherkin can be used as an umbrella term for all three, and people are encouraged to use whatever terms they feel fit them best.
Otherlinking FAQ
What is otherlinking?
Otherlinking is the voluntary gaining of an identity of an entity, whether it be a fictional character, an animal, a mythical creature, or anything else really. An otherlinkers identity they take on is called a linktype. Otherlinkers can also not realise they’re otherlinking something, making their identity involuntary or quoiluntary.Why would you otherlink something?
People otherlink for a variety of reasons. Some of these include:
- To cope with day to day life or trauma. (Copinglink)
- To gain traits of characters/animals. (Supportlink, could also be copinglink)
- To be more like a character. (Supportlink)
- For fun. (Funlink)
- To make identities you already have more stable. (Making a cameoshift a linktype for example.)The examples given aren't the only reasons and the specific terms in brackets aren't always applicable to each specific experience, they're simply examples of common ways they're seen.How do you otherlink something?
Consuming media related to your soon-to-be linktype, envisioning yourself as them and asking questions to yourself such as “what would x do” throughout the day helps you get into their mindset and understand the entity better. Inducing shifts voluntarily, if possible, may help with this. You incorporate bits of the entity into your daily life until the bits you added are involuntary. You continue doing this until it feels like a part of your identity. This is usually easier to do with an existing identity, such as a cameotype, past life, or something else like that.Some resources on this question: Resource 1, Resource 2Isn't this just Otherkin?
No. Otherkin is an involuntary identity. Otherkin is about exploring your identity that you already have, while otherlinking is an identity you take on for whatever reason. There is some overlap in these identities, however, and the line between the two is often blurry. Otherlinking is also not a “lesser” version of otherkin, and both identities can be just as important to a person as each other.
Otherhearted FAQ
What is being otherhearted?
Being otherhearted is a strong identification with (not as) an entity such as an animal, fictional character, or mythological being. The being an otherhearted person identifies with is called a hearttype.What does "identify with" mean?
"Identifying with" means having a strong connection to something, in some way, but not literally being that thing. This can mean feeling a familial connection, or a strong desire to be that thing while not being it, or a feeling that you should be that thing--among other experiences. This is different from identifying as something, because otherhearted individuals don't believe they are in any way their hearttypes.Why do you have these identities?
Otherhearted individuals may have different explanations for why they heave hearttypes, and some might not have any at all (which is normal too). Some common explanations include (but are not limited to):
- Reincarnation (and being connected to that past life)
- Special interests/hyperfixations
- Other neurodiverse causes
- ImprintingIs this another form of otherkin or otherlinking?
No, because an otherhearted individual doesn't identify as their hearttype(s). Otherhearted identities are also in no way a lesser form of otherkin or otherlinking and hearttypes can absolutely be as influential or more influential than kintypes/linktypes depending on the personal experiences of the alterhuman in question.What is a hearthome?
A hearthome is a place that is a hearttype. Often described as a place that you have never been to that you have a strong connection to, or you feel is your "home".
Systems FAQ
What is a system?
A system is multiple people in a body, as the only requirement. Different people might be able to take control of the body, or "front" at different times, they might not be able to. Systems might be able to talk to the people they share the body with, sometimes they might not be able to. Systems are diverse and the only basic requirement is to be more than one individual within a single body.More Than One has a good simple explanation.Why/how does plurality exist?
Plurality can have many causes, including disorders (DID, OSDD), spirituality (soulbonding, walk-ins, some tulpas) or other psychological reasons (some tulpas, "just born that way", daemons). Most plurals will have different explanations for why they're a system.How do I act around a system?
The same way you'd act around any other person. Treat them with respect and respect their boundaries. Don't pester them to ask who is fronting if they don't want to tell you and definitely don't out them as a system to anyone else without permission. Above all else, ask them what they'd prefer you do to make them comfortable.Also remember that regardless of what a systemmate is, don't treat them any differently than you would a normal person. Even if they're a fictional character, they're a living being and deserve to be treated with respect, not as a character.Can system members be different ages/genders?
Yes, and they often are. Headmates can be different ages, genders, have different orientations and even be a completely different species from the body. They can also be fictional characters, mythical creatures and essentially anything else!What is the difference between plurality and multiplicity?
Plural is the umbrella term for median and multiple. Multiple is the experience of having multiple people in a body, while median covers any experience between multiple and singlet--singlet meaning a non-system.Can I become plural?
Yes, but it's highly recommended that you do a lot of research on systems and system experiences before you make one. Systems are generally lifelong commitments. Before you make a system, you need to realize that you will be sharing your body with one or more individuals for what is likely to be forever. System members are people and they have needs. If you're not ready to fulfil those potential needs, you're not ready to be a system.Systems might sound fun, and sometimes they are, but you need to think about:
- Your privacy (you share a body 24/7 with another person).
- Body sharing/sharing the front (how often will their needs to be in control be met? are you willing to give up your time and share it?).
- The possibility that your headmate might make or bring in another system member, or more.
- A potential systemmates wants and desires (career choices, hobbies, love interests).
- The potential for a systemmate to be different from what you expected.
- The possibility for a systemmate to not like you (they are people after all).What are fictives and factives?
A fictive (also called fictional introject) is a member of a system who is based on and usually identifies as a fictional character. Similarly, a factive (also called an introject) is a member of a system who is based on and usually identifies as an existing person from this world.Why do some systems have fictives/factives?
Fictives/factives can end up in systems for a variety of reasons. Fictives/factives can form due to their source being a comfort show/book/etc, they can form due to hyperfixations/special interests and they can form from trauma, to name a few things. They can also be intentionally brought into a system through methods such as soulbonding.How many fictives/factives can a system have?
There’s no real limit to how many a system can have. Systems can range from having none to only one or two to having 50 or more, depending on system size and how their system works. Having many fictives or factives would be called being fictive-heavy or factive-heavy respectively.Are all fictives/factives exactly the same as the character/person they are a fictive/factive of?
No. Fictives/factives can be canon divergent, which means that they diverge or are different from their source counterpart. This can range from minor differences from their source to being extremely different, including appearance changes, personality changes, story changes, gender changes and much more.I’m a big fan of x character/person! How do I interact with a fictive/factive of them?
Don’t assume they want to be treated as the character/person they identify as, and certainly don’t treat them like they’re famous. Don’t speak about their source life like you know what happened to them or what they did in their memories, and definitely don’t bring up anything that could have been stressful to them from their source. Chances are if you go up to a fictive/factive and treat them just like their source, they’ll be creeped out. They’re a person, just like you, with thoughts and feelings. You haven’t met them yet, even if you know their source. Treat them like they’re just another person, because they are.I really don’t like the character/person a fictive/factive identifies as… What do I do?
You need to recognise that this person, while they may identify as the character/person you don’t like, is not that exact being. Even if they’re hardly different from their source, most fictives/factives don’t want to be treated as their source counterpart. As stated earlier, they’re a person, just like you, with thoughts and feelings. You haven’t met them yet, even if you know their source. Treat them like they’re just another person, because they are.What are fogtives, fuzztives and fucktives/faitives?
A fogtive is when you’re a factive, plus something else, such as a nonhuman headmate. A fuzztive is the fictive equivalent of fogtive, meaning someone who is a fictive plus something else. A fucktive/faitive is someone who is both a fictive and a factive, or a mix of the two.